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Skyrocket your website visitors with a high deliverability newsletter


If you’re a blogger or a marketer, chances are you have a website or two. And if you’re like me and thousands of others, your site is probably generating traffic and leads. What do we do with those leads? We send them newsletters! But building a high-converting newsletter isn’t easy—the challenge lies in getting your content in front of the right people at the right time. In this post, I’ll show you how to make sure that when you send out your next newsletter, it gets delivered to subscribers’ inboxes and not their junk mail folders. Follow.it is the tool you need to get these recurring visitors. In this article, we will look at the characteristics of high email deliverability newsletters and how Follow.it checks all the boxes and more.

Implement a Newsletter Subscription Form on Every page of your Website

There is no better way to turn a website visitor into a returning customer than by offering them valuable content. The best way to do this is by having a subscription form on every page of your website. This will allow you to capture emails from visitors who are interested in learning more about your business or products and services but don’t want to fill out forms on every page of the site. They can subscribe at the top of each new post or article, and continue reading without interruption from an unnecessary form submission process.

It is also important that you use different landing pages for each campaign so that you can track which marketing efforts work best for each type of offer or product that is being promoted at any given time.

Follow.it implements this out of the box with a setup option that allows you to install email collection boxes in dialogue boxes anywhere on your website without coding skills, especially for WordPress.

Collect in the subscription form the users’ first and last name

You’ll notice that we’ve collected the users’ first and last name in the subscription form. This is important because it helps us personalise each email message to the individual user, which can help increase our deliverability rate.

Segment your users

Segmenting your users is key to reaching them with the right message at the right time. If you can identify a user’s interests, then you have a better chance of deciding what content they want to see. It also allows you to identify when they need more information about your products and services or if there are any issues that need addressing.

If your company has multiple types of customers, it’s important that each type receives appropriate messages so they won’t feel like their needs aren’t being met. If someone is new to your business or hasn’t made any purchases yet, but subscribes to receive newsletters from you anyway, there’s no reason why they shouldn’t be sent product updates and coupons.*

Follow it allows you to set up feeds by having categories on your website as feeds. You can have a blog with categories of travel, and bookings. By having these feeds you are essentially segmenting your targets such that when you have an article about travel it is sent to only those subscribed. This means relevance to subscribers

Send them personalized emails based on their first and last names.

  • Send them personalized emails based on their first and last names.
  • Give them a reason to come back to your site.
  • Include a call-to-action that prompts them to share, like, or click through.
  • Offer something of value in return for their participation (e.g., a free eBook).

If you’ve done all these things, then congratulations! You’re ready to send out your newsletter and watch as the traffic rolls in.

Give them the option to sign up for multiple newsletters (for example, Weekly Newsletter, Product Updates, etc)

One of the most important things to remember when building your newsletter is giving your subscribers the option to sign up for multiple newsletters (for example, Weekly Newsletter, Product Updates, etc). This is especially important if you have several different newsletters.

The more choices you give them, the more likely they will be to sign up for all of them!

Having good deliverability can boost website recurring visitors

The success of any business depends on the ability to deliver your message to the right audience. It’s not enough to just have a website; you need to make sure it has good deliverability and can reach your target customers.

Having good deliverability means that emails are delivered at a rate of 99% or higher, which means they won’t be caught in spam filters and will be more likely to reach recipients’ inboxes instead of being sent straight into their trash folders.

Delivering an email campaign successfully is all about making sure it doesn’t get flagged as spam by Gmail’s algorithms or an ISP’s filters. Deliverability specialists are professionals who know how these systems work and how they can be manipulated in order for your messages make it through without getting blocked or marked as spam before reaching their intended recipients’ inboxes (which would mean no one sees them). Follow.it has a high email deliverability for high-quality email providers such as Gmail


By implementing the four techniques outlined above, you will be able to increase the number of recurring visits to your site by implementing a newsletter subscription form on every page of your website and collecting in it first and last names. You should also segment those users in order to send them personalized emails based on their first or last name. Finally, give them an option to sign up for multiple newsletters (for example: Weekly Newsletter, Product Updates etc) so that they can receive content about specific topics that interest them most!

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