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Build your business on LinkedIn


In this article, we will look at how you can build your business on LinkedIn. It is the go-to social network for businesses and business owners, especially if you have a company that specializes in B2B (business-to-business) transactions. LinkedIn has made it easy to find other professionals to connect with and network with, but there are still ways you can use LinkedIn to enhance your professional reputation further. For example:

Create your profile

  • Make sure your profile is complete. The more information you have, the better.
  • Include a professional photo. It can be a headshot or a full body shot—it doesn’t matter as long as it looks sharp and professional. Make sure it’s taken in good lighting (natural light is best), and that you’re smiling naturally (not cheesily or awkwardly).
  • Make your headline compelling. Your headline should include keywords for search engine optimization purposes, as well as entice people to click on your profile in order to learn more about what you do and how they can work with you. Here are some suggestions: “The Best Law Firm In Town,” “How To Get Started With Web Design And Development,” “Search Engine Optimization Expert.”
  • Write a strong summary of yourself and/or business that includes links to proof of expertise (like conference presentations or published articles). Include links only if they’re relevant–don’t just stick one in there because it would look nice!

Gather recommendations

Recommendations are one of the most powerful tools you can use to build your personal brand on LinkedIn. They can help you show off both your skills and experience as a professional, as well as demonstrate that others trust in your abilities.

To get started, think about who knows more about what makes you great at what you do than yourself? It’s likely not going to be an anonymous stranger on the internet—but it could be someone who works with or for you day in and day out. If that’s true, ask them to write a recommendation for your profile!

It’s important not only to have recommendations from people who know who they’re talking about (i.e., direct clients), but also those who work in similar fields or industries—their perspective will help validate how awesomely great at everything else too!

Find prospects

LinkedIn is the place to find prospects.

There are many ways to do this. Here are some tips:

  • Use advanced search features to narrow down your prospects. You can filter by industry, location, title and more!
  • Find people you know who work at companies you want to target. If they have a connection with someone in your target audience, ask them for an introduction or share something on their profile that might pique their interest so they’ll reach out to you when they see it (a job posting is an excellent way of doing this). You can also invite connections and use groups as a way of finding prospects who may be interested in working with you – just look through the membership list of groups related to your field/industry/business area before applying!
  • Use events feature when looking for events where potential clients might be attending – even if attendees are not specifically targeted yet (such as conferences), there may still be opportunities for connecting face-to-face during these events since all attendees will likely spend some time mingling together before sessions start each day.”

Follow companies

Follow companies.

If you are interested in a company, follow them on LinkedIn. The company will see your updates on their feed and probably like your post or comment. If you have a question about their product or service, ask them directly on their feed. They will be happy to answer any questions for you, and it could lead to an opportunity for the two of you to connect at some point down the road!

Join groups

  • Find groups on LinkedIn

LinkedIn has a lot of groups, and it can be hard to find ones that align with your interests and goals. Here are a few places to begin:

  • Browse the top-level categories of LinkedIn Groups (Business & Industry, Education & Academia, Finance & Investments)
  • Search by keywords that are important to you (i.e., if you sell dog toys, search for “dog”)
  • Join the right groups for your business goals and interests

Get active in discussions and share relevant articles, news and more from your industry with the community

In order to build a trustworthy and authentic brand on LinkedIn, you must engage with the community. This means sharing news and articles from your industry, as well as your own content. It’s important that you’re transparent about what you do, but also helpful for others in the industry.

You should be friendly towards other people on the platform so that they feel safe sharing their content with you. Also, don’t be afraid to ask questions if someone has something interesting to share or if there’s something specific that you’d like to know about their work experience or skillset (you never know what kind of connections it may lead to). Finally, be sure that everything is concise enough so that people can easily read through it all without getting bored or confused by too much information at once!

Answer questions in LinkedIn Answers

Answer questions in LinkedIn Answers.

As a business owner, you know that sharing your expertise is an effective way to build trust and credibility. You can use the same approach on LinkedIn by answering questions in Answers.

It’s easy to join the conversation: when you see a question that resonates with what you know best, click “Ask Question” from within the same conversation thread or from your personal Inbox if someone has asked something directly to you (see step 6).

Write articles for the LinkedIn Pulse platform

LinkedIn Pulse is a great way to share your expertise and build your business. With LinkedIn Articles, you can share your ideas in an interactive format that allows readers to comment on what’s been written, ask questions and give feedback. When you write an article for the platform it will be shared with your network as well as being featured on the LinkedIn home page. This means that thousands of people will see what you have to say!

If this sounds like something you’d like to do, then it’s time to start writing! The first step is creating an account at www.linkedinpulse.com and then choosing “Article” under “Create.” You can choose between two types of articles: Editorials or Columns/Blog Posts (both are free). Next comes the fun part—writing! There are a few guidelines when writing these posts but overall they’re pretty open ended so don’t let them get in the way too much if inspiration strikes at any moment throughout the day 🙂

You can grow your business through the use of LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is a professional network that allows you to create connections and share information. With over 500 million users, it’s easy to see how LinkedIn can be used to grow your business.

LinkedIn gives you the opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals who have similar interests or who may have worked in the same position as you in the past. This type of connection increases your visibility among potential clients and employers by making you an authority on certain topics, which can increase trust and lead to new opportunities for work or funding.

LinkedIn also allows businesses to find employees via its recruitment tools, as well as promote their products through advertising options at reasonable prices (when compared with other social media platforms). In addition, LinkedIn groups allow members within specific industries or niches meet regularly online in order “to discuss matters relevant only within those groups.”


So, there you have it—all the tips and tricks to get your business up and running on LinkedIn. It takes some time, but we feel that the platform is worth it. We hope that this article has been helpful in turning your company into a successful one!

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