1. Business

Business Ideas for Graduates in Zimbabwe


Many people are graduating from universities and colleges this year. It is a good time to start your own business. However, you need to keep in mind that there are less opportunities for online businesses in Zimbabwe. This means that you need to choose an offline business idea or a service-based business rather than an e-commerce store or some other internet-based business model.

Starting an Event Rental Business

If you are a graduate in Zimbabwe and looking for business ideas, then starting an event rental business is one of the best options. This kind of business helps you make money while at the same time helping others to achieve their goals.

For example, if a wedding organiser wants to rent a tent for his or her wedding ceremony but does not have enough money to buy it, he/she can rent it from you at an affordable price. This way, both parties benefit from this kind of deal since the person who rented out their equipment gets paid and also makes new contacts who may want similar services later on.

On top of that, if your clients are having events every month they will be more likely to continue renting your products as they know they will get high quality products at reasonable prices compared real estate companies where prices tend be higher due to costs involved

Starting a Book Store

  • You will need to have a good stock of books.
  • You will need to have a good location for your book store.
  • You will need to have a good marketing strategy for your book store.
  • You will need to have a good business plan for your book store.
  • You will need to have a good accountant and lawyer who can help you with the financial aspect of starting up the business, as well as legal aspects like leasing agreements and so on.

Starting a Meals Delivery Service

Meals delivery is a great business idea if you want to get into the food and beverage industry. It’s also an easy way to start a small business with low overhead costs.

This idea is particularly useful for graduates who are unemployed and looking for ways to make money with their degree. However, even if you have a full-time job, you can use this idea as a side hustle during weekends or evenings when your schedule allows it because it’s relatively easy to run from home without any need for large space requirements or expensive equipment.

You’ll need some basic ingredients that most people already have on hand like flour and eggs but there are some other items like spices which may be more difficult to source locally so it’s best if you buy them online instead of trying your luck at local stores where they may not be available at all! This will help keep costs down too so once again – another win!

Starting a Courier Service Business

Courier services are very important because they make it possible to send and receive items quickly. They have been around for a long time, but in Zimbabwe they have grown to become one of the most popular businesses.

You can start your own courier service business if you want to earn money from home or just make some extra cash during your free time. To do this, you need a vehicle that has enough space for your cargo (you can use your personal car), an operating license, appropriate insurance coverages and a reliable means of communication (e.g., smartphones). You also need an office or depot where customers can visit with their packages/cargo if they want them picked up at their homes or offices. At first, it’s best if you keep things simple so that there aren’t many costs involved until after everything is working well enough on its own without any further adjustments needed in order to succeed with this type of venture.”

Starting a Wedding Planning Business

If you’re a graduate and looking for an entrepreneur opportunity, wedding planning is a great choice.

Weddings are one of the most profitable businesses in Zimbabwe, as they’re in high demand. People will pay anything to make their day perfect—and that includes hiring someone to plan it all out.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that starting up your own wedding-planning business is easy. You’ll need some experience and knowledge before you can get started. But if you’re willing enough (and have some cash saved), then why not give it a try?

Starting a Laundry

While you’re out there hustling and looking for full-time employment, you might want to start earning some cash on the side by taking advantage of your time and skills. If you’re a graduate with a degree in marketing or business management, why not start a laundry service?

A great idea would be to start an express mobile washing service that’s open on weekends only—this way, working people can drop off their dirty garments Friday evening before heading home for the weekend and pick them up on Sunday morning fresh as new!

The truth is, there are not many online businesses that can be started and run in Zimbabwe. So you need to resort to offline business ideas.

The truth is, there are not many online businesses that can be started and run in Zimbabwe. So you need to resort to offline business ideas.

There are a few reasons why offline businesses are more practical for Zimbabweans:

  • Online business ideas take time to take off. You will have to put up with a lot of stress before getting into profit, maybe even after years of operation if you’re lucky enough to get there at all. With an offline business model, your capital is often locked up until the point when profits start rolling in; but at least it’s not being wasted on marketing or technology costs which could eventually prove unsustainable as well as expensive!
  • Offline businesses tend to offer faster returns on investment than online ones – they don’t require much capital upfront and they tend not require any marketing budget at all (unless there is one). You simply buy stock items from suppliers or manufacturers and sell them directly through your retail outlets – no middlemen involved here so watch out!


The truth is, there are not many online businesses that can be started and run in Zimbabwe. So you need to resort to offline business ideas. I have listed a few suggestions above, but if you have any other ideas then feel free to share them with us in the comment section below!

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